Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Forgiveness and Understanding

FORGIVE and let go! 
"Rediscover the shining path of Peace." They say arguments are spice of life, true, but not to end the day with it. It will be such a wonderful feeling that after a fight you say your sorry, or you say I understand and lets move on, or say don't worry everything is gonna be ok and you kiss and hug after, what a lovely feeling that it will be.  If only all families in the world will practice forgiveness instead of judging and intimidating each other.

To a married couple daily life is always a challenge whether you have kids or not, you discover each others traits and behavior and you learn to adjust and become one, its really amazing.  Now a days you don't see too many couples holding hand together, there's an increase number of divorce, why? because no one FORGIVE and FORGET, everyone got their ego to the roof nobody bow down anymore. A lot couple are busy with either their jobs, business or activities and they forget the main reason why they exist, to hold family together, the main core of the community.

The hardest part a human can do is to fight evil with kindness.....

Which part you want to be, the evil or the kind one??? In any relationship there's always good and bad.  The Good always listens and understand and explains, the bad never stop talking, judging and bringing back the past.

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a choice  and a trainable skill that anyone can learn, it is being able to let go of harm done to others, it releases us from bitterness or resentment and lets us reclaim our energy and sense of balance.  The more we understand the person who has harmed us, their feelings, frailties and external pressures, the easier it is to forgive.  When we forgive, no matter how difficult, we experience freedom from our pain and sorrow and become people who are more love-based rather than fear-based, creating a better world. Forgiveness is more for you than the other person.

Forgiveness can lead to:

  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved heart health
  • Higher self - esteem

Forgiveness is a valuable part of a relationship, whether family, friends, colleges etc. If only we practice it at home consistently, there will be less divorce, less broken family and less juvenile delinquent children. Children will grow up with more values and discipline and we will all live a healthy, happy environment