Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My Family's Best Friend

“In a dog's life, some plaster would fall, some cushions would open, some rugs would shred. Like any relationship, this one had its costs. They were costs we came to accept and balance against the joy and amusement and protection and companionship he gave us.” 

Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. The dog has long been considered as “Man’s best friend.” When dogs are properly cared for from the time they are puppies, they will grow to live a good healthy life. Proper care and attention will earn you undying loyalty from your canine friend. Dogs are primarily different from other household pets for two main reasons: social attachment to humans, and physical temperament. Dogs are social creatures – they bond they form with humans is uncommon to other domesticated animals. Their friendly and protective natures make them ideal companions to humans. Dogs are varied in their temperaments and have been bred to enhance specific characteristics. Because of their varied physical sizes and temperaments, it is very common for a pet owner to find a type dog that meets their emotional needs – there is pretty much a dog for any type of personality out there. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Forgiveness and Understanding

FORGIVE and let go! 
"Rediscover the shining path of Peace." They say arguments are spice of life, true, but not to end the day with it. It will be such a wonderful feeling that after a fight you say your sorry, or you say I understand and lets move on, or say don't worry everything is gonna be ok and you kiss and hug after, what a lovely feeling that it will be.  If only all families in the world will practice forgiveness instead of judging and intimidating each other.

To a married couple daily life is always a challenge whether you have kids or not, you discover each others traits and behavior and you learn to adjust and become one, its really amazing.  Now a days you don't see too many couples holding hand together, there's an increase number of divorce, why? because no one FORGIVE and FORGET, everyone got their ego to the roof nobody bow down anymore. A lot couple are busy with either their jobs, business or activities and they forget the main reason why they exist, to hold family together, the main core of the community.

The hardest part a human can do is to fight evil with kindness.....

Which part you want to be, the evil or the kind one??? In any relationship there's always good and bad.  The Good always listens and understand and explains, the bad never stop talking, judging and bringing back the past.

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a choice  and a trainable skill that anyone can learn, it is being able to let go of harm done to others, it releases us from bitterness or resentment and lets us reclaim our energy and sense of balance.  The more we understand the person who has harmed us, their feelings, frailties and external pressures, the easier it is to forgive.  When we forgive, no matter how difficult, we experience freedom from our pain and sorrow and become people who are more love-based rather than fear-based, creating a better world. Forgiveness is more for you than the other person.

Forgiveness can lead to:

  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved heart health
  • Higher self - esteem

Forgiveness is a valuable part of a relationship, whether family, friends, colleges etc. If only we practice it at home consistently, there will be less divorce, less broken family and less juvenile delinquent children. Children will grow up with more values and discipline and we will all live a healthy, happy environment

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Relationship with Family and Friends

Relationship is not a joke, it is a serious commitment and truly difficult to manage.  So much expectations, weaknesses, and individual differences and frustrations creates conflict, misunderstanding and war.

"Friends can be family and family is your friend for life." 

No matter how hard and how stormy the relationship for as long we are willing to learn and exercise the art of listening and good communication with an open heart and mind, all conflicts will be in vain. Try! Be happy, it always takes two to tango, do not start an argument instead start a joke no matter how big the argument is and when everything tone down, then you start to talk and discuss and suggest solution to argument.

Several times we always experience the
pain and sorrow of being hurt and misunderstood.  At the height of our emotional crisis, oftentimes we commit a mistake of doing things against our will that will later make us feel regretful of what we have done.  Was there an issue about being sorry or saying "sorry" for all the mistakes thahas been committed? Or a conflict between pride and humility.

"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."

                                                         -James Earl Jones

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Who is my Family?

                                                                                   WHO IS YOUR FAMILY? 

Family doesn't have to be affiliated by birth or marriage,
It is who you love and who loves you back. Family is a very broad word, and the meaning differs in terms of its social, economic and cultural aspects. In simple words, family consist of people who look after us, play an essential role in upbringing us and teaching us the lessons in life that can never be learned through school or text book. Family is also an experience that teaches us the values of relationships in life. Actually dealing with one's family is like dealing with one's life itself, there are good and bad times, there are happy and sad moments.
The  most important thing god ever created is Love and Love is what "makes the world go round."  A family bond together with love or any relationship creates a happy environment and happy environment attracts positive energy.


Many have said that where the seed is planted … the root grows strong to stand the test of time! 
The smallest unit of society which is called the “family” is one’s legend.  The root where one was nurtured growing up is the reflection of the type of  family that raised you.  However, the environment, society, and economic crisis that  influence the test and trials along the way are just some of the many factors that mostly affect the growing stage.  This is where our strong faith and accentuation of family values will serve as a shield and armor to win and stand the long and winding road of growing up.  Mistakes and failures  should be treated as spices of life, the best mentor teaching us how to stand whenever we fall.  Now, shall we say the gravity of challenges are in the hands of the parents?  How will you nurture your children in faith, and in the true values of the family so they become a well-rounded individual? As well as what you dreamt for them to become in the future and if it fails… whose fault?                            


Our family is not really that perfect.  We have had our ups and downs, and there were many dark clouds and rocky roads along the line. But would you believe, that as we tried to remain united as one family with love, true faith and understanding, that there, we always found the sun shine after the clouds? There we felt the serenity and wisdom in the light of our faith.  And as we remain one in our hearts, our journey will always be a never-ending story of love and triumph!